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International Artist Residency
Exploring the pathways of authentic self-expression and visual art in Budapest, Hungary, and finding Creative Surrender.
Exploring Creative Surrender
Tamar was at art quarter budapest (aqb) from February to July 2015 developing this project and seeking a deeper understanding of the pathways to Creative Surrender.
At aqb Tamar created a body of mixed media work with the concept of Creative Surrender at the forefront of her practice. By combining collage, drawing and painting, she opened herself to the intuitive emergence and unfolding of each piece.
Tamar visually captured the process of Creative Surrender, with hopes that viewers will respond and be inspired to explore these pathways to Creative Surrender within themselves.
While in Budapest, Tamar also offered a series of Intuitive Art workshops to local participants with the intention to share and engage with this approach to art making. A special creative project called "I Am Human" was hosted at the summer time Everness Fesztival.
Tamar also explored the creative hybrids of Creative Surrender and collaborated with local and international artists who practice in various disciplines, such as dance, music, drama and poetry.
Tamar has been integrating what she's learned about Creative Surrender into her Intuitive Art facilitation and workshops. By connecting with her own pathways to Creative Surrender through making art during this residency, she has a better understanding of how to facilitate and encourage others to develop their unique way of self expression and find personal empowerment through art. 
Tamar believes that everyone has a creative spark and it's through Creative Surrender that she wants to inspire more life, more magic and more art!
A portion of this project has been generously funded through a crowdfunding campaign. Thank you to all the contributors.​
While the artist residency has been completed,
Journey to Creative Surrender still continues...
Intuitive Art
A video of the creative collaboration of Tamar Swartz and musician Fatima Gozlan. (2015)

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