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"Do whatever brings you to life. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart."
- Elizabeth Gilbert


Tamar Swartz is a mixed media visual artist currently living on the unceded territory of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as Victoria, BC.  She combines paper collage, drawing and painting to create visual narrative works of art.
Some of her work is held in private collections around the world, including in the United States, South Africa and Australia. Her work has also been exhibited locally and abroad.
In 2015 Tamar Swartz participated in an international artist residency at art quarter budapest (aqb), in Budapest, Hungary to develop a three-part project called, “Journey to Creative Surrender.”
As an Intuitive Art facilitator, her workshops and projects have involved working with children, adults and seniors using methods central to her own art practice.

In 2020, Tamar completed a Master of Social Work degree and is a Registered Social Worker in British Columbia. She currently works as a bereavement counsellor and brings expressive art and counselling together to support people grieving the loss of a loved one.
Artist Statement
Intuitive Art Workshop


Creative Surrender
  1. having the quality or power of creating.
  2. resulting from originality of thought, expression
  3. originative; productive
  1. to give (oneself) up
  2. to give (oneself) up to some influence, course, emotion
  3. to give up, abandon, or relinquish
Drawing inspiration from the natural and urban worlds around me, I use collage, painting and drawing to explore movement colour and shapes, creating visual narratives for viewers to journey through. My process is intuitive and based on my own embodiment and presence. I allow the materials to dictate the flow of the work, combining paper, paint and oil pastels to achieve Creative Surrender.
Creative Surrender is a state of being present and embodied in the creative process, it’s the moment of letting go while making art, when a deep listening to creative intuition occurs, and it’s about giving space and allowing the piece of art to unfurl, emerge and breathe as any living organism would.


Somewhere Only We Know.jpg
Exploring the Courageous Hearts of two friends navigating the joys and struggles of life with mental health challenges.
Explore the art and stories of the 
Budapest Collection.
Into the Wild Collection
Into the Wild is a collection of mixed media pieces inspired by life.
Custom commissions for original mixed media works of art.
Illustration by Tamar Swartz
A beautiful children's book by Amanda Bibbo, illustrated by Tamar Swartz.
Check out Tamar's Instagram for current work.


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